About Me

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Back to the beginning: Price and I met at YHS my freshman (his sophmore) year and dated for the next three years. After Price graduated, he joined the military and was stationed in Beautiful San Diego. Shortly after I graduated, we were married and had our 1st little man on the way: Preston Barrett Walling, born 2/2/07. We bought our 1st home in May 2009 and Little man #2, Ethan Jefferson Walling, followed on 7/29/09. As if life wasn't already crazy enough after that, we welcomed baby boy #3, Maverick Charles Walling on 11/20/2011 and our first girl (and Dog) Lucy in January 2012. We're still in San Diego, living one adventure after another!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baby #3:16 Weeks

As of Monday I was 16 weeks pregnant (4 months)!! And let me point out the obvious..the belly has ARRIVED! In four weeks i have grown 2 inches around my waist and 2 inches around my hips. This is probably too much information, but i have also gone from a 34B to a 36C and have a feeling I'm right on the cusp of needing to advance another size! (This, i am very excited about! haha) I have gained an ungodly amount of weight, but I'll blame Florida for that. Only once did we eat a meal that was not fried, slathered in butter, or covered in cheese. As much as I love food with all those aspects, I do occasionally need some greens in my diet. I honestly don't think Florida believes in fresh food. For example, we asked for a side of fruit at breakfast one day and you'd swear we were asking for caviar or top shelf champagne. ALSO, on an exciting note...i have finally started to feel the little movements of the baby! Nothing too strong but i am definitely able to tell the difference between (excuse me) gas bubbles and fluttering movements! I'm excited for whats to come in the next month...stronger kicks, and in a little less that 4 weeks, i have another ultrasound and I'll get to find out the gender! YAY! I'm extremely anxious but can't stomach the idea of spending $100 to get the 3D ultrasound now.

Four more weeks for the next baby bump/gender update! Have a great day!

Lots of Love and Bunches of Hugs,
XOXO Brogan Lee

Memorial Day 2011

Thursday morning I jumped on a plane to head back east to spend 5 1/2 days of fun in the sun with my other half...Yes, it has almost been a year and he is STILL gone and the end is still nowhere in sight. Leaving San Diego was a breeze, but like always, Atlanta was a nightmare! I'm really growing to HATE Delta and the airport in Georgia! 1st the plane was an hour delayed due to a broken radar (totally something needed to get us safely to our destination). Then we all get on this tiny little plane and start to pull onto the run way, when the plane starts rocking, lightening is crashing all around us, thunder is BOOMING and rain is DUMPING on us. The plane comes to a stop and they announce that weather is too bad and they are shutting down flights until further notice. So we sit on the runway for an hour and a half hoping they start allowing planes in the air and that we have enough gas to make it there since the plane had been running all this time. Finally, were off! It was a rough ride ( i thought i was going to be "sea sick" several times) but we made it safely!

Friday Price had to go to class, so i laid by the pool (and got WAY too much sun) and swam and relaxed. Then we went to see Hangover 2 and had dinner. Saturday was AMAZING!! We rented a wave runner for a few hour and took it out in the ocean and cruised around. I was incredible how much open-ness there was. It was a beautiful day and the water was SOOO warm and the ocean was not crowded at all. The only part that was a little bit of a bummer was that because i am pregnant, we couldn't get too reckless (but i really, really wanted to!). After the wave runner, we had a delicious sandwich picnic and then walked around the mall. We ended up meeting up with some of Price's friends for bowling and then ordering pizza (which was from Hungry Harry's, and sooo good...flavored crust is the secret) and going for a late night swim. I was WIPED!

Sunday we went to the beach. Let me tell you... it was B-E-A-utiful! There were hardly any people there, the sand was like baby powder (white and super fine), the water was warm and crystal clear!

Just an FYI...there wont be many pictures, because unlike me, Price is not such a big fan of having the camera around all the time, so i chose select times to pull it out.

Here we are at the beach, it was like pulling teeth to get him to take this, but well worth it! We don't have near enough photos of the two of us these days :-(

It was so secluded!

I am really jealous of how tan this guy is!

The view from my towel.

Look how clear this water is! I was up to my waist in the water and could see my feet. The fish by where we were are clear (and large), and it was pretty freaky to be swimming along and see movement under you and then realize it is a large fish!

Sunday night we met up with some of Price's friends again and went on an evening cruise out in the Gulf of Mexico. It was 6-8pm so right around sunset. The best part for me was the music and the company, but i think everyone else enjoyed the endless beer and wine! :-)

Our boat was called "Aj's Sea Blaster 2.

Isn't the sunset wonderful?!?

There were a lot of sail boats out there also.

This is a terrible picture, but it was the tail end of a dolphin diving into the water. People were swarming the rails trying to get pictures and my cameras shutter is really slow so i wants able to get any good, full body shots.

I had no idea how many famous people live in this part of Florida. We saw Tim Magraw and Faith Hill's house and this beauty belongs to the guy who owns the majority share in the Wilson brand. The homes were incredible! I can only dream... hum

This is one of the GIANT hotels which is surrounded by shops and restaurants and right on the edge of the water. It looks really cool at night all lit up.

Our night ended with more pizza, a live band on the water, fireworks, and cuddling out on a dock looking up at the stars and chatting.

Coming home on Tuesday was bitter sweet. I missed my little men so much, but am already missing my hubby. I hope you all have someone in your lives that makes you feel happy and keeps you looking forward to special moments together.

Lots of Love and Bunches of Hugs
XOXO Brogan Lee

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nora Grace Brown

Today at 1:45 pm (eastern time) Nora Grace Brown made her entrance into the world! Nora is the second daughter for my sister Ashlee and brother in law Jeff (and my second niece). Nora decided to come a little early, she wasn't due until June 7Th. She also was very impatient, unlike her big sister Sydney who my sister was in labor with for about 2 days. I got the text from Ashlee at about 9am (again, eastern time) this morning saying she was in labor and was expecting it to be a long wait. Within hours (about 4 1/2)she was here! I was amazed. When Ashlee was in labor with Sydney, i remember feeling like it was taking days for her to be born. Not this time. Little Nora Grace Brown was 6 pounds 4 ounces and 19.75 inches long. Unfortunately, i don't have any pictures to post yet, but hopefully soon! I won't get to meet her until the beginning of July and i am sure i will take a million pictures at that point. I was beyond anxious all day and now that she is here I'm just sad i have to wait so long to meet her! :-( Oh, well.
Congratulations to Ashlee, Jeff and the new big sister Sydney Lyn. I love you all!

XOXO Aunt "B"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Relaxing Time

As if my life isn't crazy to begin with, the past month has been, (and next few months will be) in hyper-crazy drive! I literally have something planned every single weekend from now until August, Whether it is going out of town or having company come to me. So last weekend I took a little "Me" time. I flew to Alameda (just outside of San Francisco) to spend the weekend with my sister Karlene, her fiance Richard, and our brother Martin. Not only was the weekend kid-less, it was also cell phone-less! I forgot my charger in S.D. and did not have to deal with a single phone call/email/text message from Friday until Monday night. So if that is not relaxing, i don't know what is!

Saturday, the weather was pretty crappy so we decided to ditch our Sonoma wine tasting (me food tasting) plans and walk around the city instead. I had my 1st experience at a REAL Tai food restaurant and ...i LOVED it! We drove all over San Francisco and walked into a lot of little boutiques and bakeries...then most importantly, we went to the Ferry Building to get yours truly some of the best gelato on the face of the planet! We ended the night by seeing "Bridesmaids" at the local theater and then falling asleep to old re-runs of Roseanne.

Sunday we were a little better about getting out the door before noon! Karlene and I headed over to Berkeley and picked up our brother Martin for brunch. It was a long wait, but the meal was amazing!! Karlene and I both had eggs Benedict's (it was my 1st time).

Martin had pancakes with pecan butter and candied pecans on top. They looked amazing and I'm proud of myself for not eating any of his. (i think i was too full and loved my meal too much).

The bacon was unlike any bacon i have ever had, and the toast was served with strawberry jalapeno jelly, and the breakfast potatoes were out of this world! UM Um UM Um...UMMMM!

After breakfast we did some thrift store shopping for Preston and the headed to the horse races for dollar days! Like our hats?? It was really windy in the parking lot so we had to hold them on for dear life!

There was a great cover band (in pretty classy outfits)...

A man playing the trumpet before every race...

And the horses warming up.... I didn't bet on any of the races but did enjoy watching them!

My weekend away was a blast, and MUCH NEEDED! I have a wonderful family and as always...i can't wait until the next time!

Lots of Love and Bunches of Hugs,
XOXO Brogan Lee

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A New Addition

Yes, it is just as it sounds. We are adding a 5th addition to the Walling clan. I am a little over 13 weeks pregnant with baby number 3! As of now my due day is said to be November 14th. At my last doctor appointment, the baby was measuring about 5 days larger than my predicted date, but i was told unless he/she is 6 days larger, they will not change the date.

Unfortunately, my printer/scanner is broken so I had to take a picture of my ultrasound picture and load it. It is a little blurry, but you get the idea:

My 1st pregnancy with Preston, I saw a military midwife instead of a traditional OB/GYN, and i L-O-V-E-D the experience! I used the military hospital for delivery and everything was wonderful! I don't know why i chose to go the civilian way with Ethan, but it was NOT as wonderful!! I understand that everyone has a different pregnancy and a different experience with their Doctors, but Ive chosen to kick the OB/GYN this round and go back to the midwife. I was a little bummed that my original midwife, Christine, was only working part time now and was unable to add me to her work load, but so far, I REALLY like the woman who is helping me! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my experience with baby number 3 is a great and easy as it was the 1st time!

Here is the 1st belly picture I've taken. Me at 12 weeks. I've kept track of my weight,waist, and hip measurements with each pregnancy and while i am not nearly as light as i was the 1st time or as heavy as i was the second time, this belly is much larger! I have a feeling ill be one of those woman whose babies gets larger each time.

So, in an effort to avoid being 200 lbs in this pregnancy, I'm asking for all of you're help...please feel free to harass me to go to the gym EVERYDAY and please feel free to smack any chocolate, fried foods, anything sugar coated or over processed out of my hands! Thank you in advance! :-)

More updates on the baby/belly to come soon!

Lots of Loves, and Bunches of Hugs
XOXO Brogan Lee