The boys were so cute! I asked if they would take a picture with me and they ran to the couch before I even told them where to go! I love this picture. They look so happy for 6:45 am! Preston is going to be, yet again, a fantastic big brother! He knows exactly how many more weeks are left until baby brother come and tells everyone! The other night i was laying on the couch and the baby had the hiccups. Preston has never felt him move, so i put his hand on my tummy. Preston starting laughing and jumping up and down and poking my stomach. I think that baby liked it because he started going crazy, which just made Preston more excited! So this went on for about 15 minutes. It was really cute! Also, while we were at the commissary last weeks, I bought a bottle of water and Gatorade. Preston asked why I wasn't drinking it now. I explained that it was to take to the hospital when baby brother was coming. During the week, I laid everything out on my bed and started putting my hospital bag together in case this little guy makes an early break. Preston saw the bottles in the bag and started jumping up and down and screaming "baby brothers coming now, baby brothers coming now!!" Needless to say he was a little disappointed to hear i was just getting things ready and he would still have to wait a while. I don't really think Ethan gets any of it, I just hope it's not a terrible shock for him when he is no longer the baby :(
So now I have 2 weeks left of work and 1 1/2 weeks left alone in S.D. My mom will be back in the country around the 25Th. I'm hoping that he can wait until after that so I'll have some help with the boys while I'm at the hospital. Everything is ready though. The rooms are ready, my hospital records are in the car, so is my hospital bag AND all 3 car seats are loaded in the back. YES, there are 3 car seats in the back of my Nissan Sentra!! I can't believe they fit, but thank god they did because I am not in a position to get a new car right now!
Hopefully the next time I make a baby post it will be to announce the arrival of our newest little man!
Lots of Love and Bunches of Hugs!
XOXO Brogan Lee
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