The wood siding was removed and the walls were painted, I hung some curtains over the "window" and we stuck my brothers futon in there for some seating (this is also the guest bed :)) There is a sky light in the room, but besides that, no lighting. So there are several lamps. (Sorry, no phase 2 pic)...Phase 3:
The corner of the office...Phase 1:
For anyone who doesn't know Price, he is a serious reader! I once went to a book store with him and after about an hour he walked up to the counter with a stack of books almost as high as his chin (no joke)!! And i don't know if those even lasted 6 months. When my Mom moved in with us after Price was sent to the east coast, we stuck her book self in here. This is not even a fraction of the books he has collected since we've been married. Countless have been given away or thrown away and there are several boxes still in the garage!
This is Phase 2 of another corner of the office...
Another one on the pieces of furniture we scored from my mom's move (the desk) and the file cabinet was something they were going to throw away on base, so Price snatched it up and brought it home, and some art from our old apartment finished the look. Since i know this room is going to be changed anyway, it makes me happy that I was able to fix it up without spending a dime. Everything was either given to us or "recycled" from one of the past places we've lived. The only issue in this room is I don't know how to hide all those dang wires!...Phase 3:
I give it 6 months and there will be another post of pics of what the "man cave" looks like after the MAN arrives...probably just a room full of paper and books and clothes! Just kidding :)
Lots of Love and Bunches of Hugs,
XOXO Brogan Lee